Welcome at Kuntur Warpa

Apu Ausangate

The work of the Pampamesayok
Rituals and Ceremonies
of the Q’ero Nation
By using the means of Khuyas (stones of great power), the Mesa (portal altar),
the Haywarikuy (offering, despacho) or the ‘recalling of lost spirit’,
the Pampamesayok induces the process of healing,
so that the affected person regains the inner equilibrium and harmony with Nature.
With the help of special herbs like Ruda,
Rosemary or Retama (which clean specific energies)
and the power of the water of a lagoon or river with spirits of high levels of conciousness,
the Pampamesayok liberates the person from heavy past energies called Hucha.
Those energies could have been causing sickness, economical problems and conflicts.
Then after, the person is nourished with sacred, good energie (Sami) by the use of incense/smudging and the subtile energy of the flowers.
The Pampamesayok is percieving and deactivating the dense energies in the environment of a home or landscape,often by performing a specific despacho offering.
The Pampamesayok has a profound connection to the spirit of Mama Coca, the Sacred Coca plant, which enables him/her
to communicate with her and to understand her answers to the questions asked, in order to help the process of healing.
Is also known as ‘Haywariska’, ‘Despacho’
or ‘Payment” (offering) to the earth.
Haywa translates as ‘offering’ and ‘Rikuy’ means ‘to see’, ‘repair’ or ‘give treatment’.
It is a ceremony of reciprocity - Ayny - with the spiritual beings of the Cosmos,
represented through the ‘Apus’ ( the Mountain Beings, the ‘Winged Ones’, who represent the masculine aspect of Nature)
and ‘La Pachamama’ (who represents the female aspect of Nature).
In this ritual the intention of the participant is being invoked to manifest, which may be the improvement of health, better economic condition, to invoke harmony etc.,
by asking for the help of the spirits the Pampamesayok invokes.
Finally the offering will be given to the fire,
embedded in the earth or given to a river,
so that the spirits can ‘eat’ it.
The ‘Karpay’ is a combination of certain rituals of Initiations,
in which the Pampamesayok helps to heal and develop the various aspects of mental, emotional, physical and sexual wellbeing,
by transferring the ‘principal powers’ to the aspirant:
Yachay - the knowledge necessary to live
Munay - the power of Love
Llankay - sacred Action, living joyfully, sacred community
It is an opening or re-empowering of the bond with the spiritual beings of the Living Cosmos, Kawsay Pacha:
the Apus, Pachamama, the Nustas , the Moon, the Sun, the Stars, the Wind, the Thunderbeings,
the Rainbows, lakes, rivers and oceans,
Spirit Animals etc.

Hatun Q'ero
Kuntur Warpa
Cusco, Peru